PURCHASE APPROVED The Village of Montpeliers purchase of 115 South Jonesville Street was approved which should see more parking available for downtown and the demolition of the building currently at the property pictured here
By: Anna Wozniak
The Montpelier Village Council held their May meeting on Tuesday, May 28th, as the offices were closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day.
They first began at 6 p.m. with a public hearing for the rezoning of 601 Mill Street to light industrial from residential.
Letters have been sent to adjacent property owners, and the topic has been discussed at the last couple of Safety Committee meetings.
Council asked what the proposed project would look like, with it being shared that it had previously been used as a lumber store, and then later as a rental hall, so commercial use is not abnormal for the land.
The land in question is looking at getting mini-storage units put in by a tri-state area company. The hearing closed at 6:07 p.m. before councilors Heather Freese, Don Schlosser, Nathan Thompson, Melissa Ewers, Chris Kannel, and Kevin Motter met alongside Director of Finance Nikki Uribes, Village Manager Jason Rockey, Law Director Robert Bohmer, Clerk of Council Molly Collert, and presiding Mayor Yagelski.
After the prayer and the pledge of allegiance, council approved the evening’s agenda, as well as the minutes from their May 13, 2024 meeting.
Mr. Motter shared how well the mayor spoke at the Memorial Day ceremony, thanking him and Thompson-Geesey Funeral Homes for their efforts.
Ms. Freese shared that the firemen’s breakfast did so well that they ran out of food, with the department grateful for the immense community support.
She added that herself and Chris Kannel have been attending township meetings, with committee evaluations hoping to be completed by next month.
Mayor Yagelski shared that councilor Freese will serve as “good representation” for the village as she serves on the new EMS committee.
Council then moved on to approve the purchase of 115 South Jonesville Street, with the close location to Founders Park hoping to prove useful.
Significant work will be done, with improvements aimed at providing more parking and ridding the property of the derelict vacant building.
Then, the ordinance providing for the rezoning of the Mill Street property was given its first reading.
The tax rates and levies were then approved to be submitted to the county auditor, and Rockey shared that the Iron Horse River Trial is waiting on parts for the West boardwalk’s helical piers, with drainage for the trail system being done throughout the week if weather permits.
A subcontractor will be contacted for the lumber work on the boardwalks once the piers are installed, with construction looking to be done by fall.
Sixteen tall grass warnings have been issued, with most properties responding well. Three lots were maintained by the village, with Rockey sharing that this year has been one of the most effective yet with regards to enforcing lawn maintenance.
Freese then asked if there were ordinances regarding trash bins and asked that the ordinance be enforced along Main Street in order to remedy a bin that is often left along the road.
The meeting then entered into executive session at 6:25 p.m., with the Montpelier Village Council set to meet next on June 10, 2024 at 6 p.m.