By: Amy Wendt
On Monday, December 18 the Stryker Board of Education met in the High School Meeting Room for its last regular meeting of 2023 with members Brent Froelich, Jason Leupp, Sharon vonSeggern, and Emily Clemens in attendance while board member Dan Hughes was absent. Superintendent Nate Johnson, Treasurer Jill Peters, and Principal Dave Schultz were also present.
As a part of their respective reports to the Board, Principal Schultz, and Superintendent Johnson shared that the Stryker High School FFA class won first place for their decorated tractor at the Archbold Parade of Lights.
Batterson Farms donated a tractor to be used in the parade that the class festively decorated with lights.
During the parade, students also handed out wooden cell phone holders and tractors made by the class.
In recognition of their hard work, the Stryker Area FFA received an award of a $250 donation from the Archbold Chamber of Commerce.
Following the call to order and Pledge of Allegiance, the evening’s agenda and November 20 meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer Peters’ November 2023 Financial Report highlighting a General Fund cash balance of $9,175,263.88, total revenue of $315,347.26, and total expenses of $842,930.23 among other items was also accepted by the Board.
It was also noted in the report that the District received donations in the amount of $2,750 from various individuals, businesses, and organizations.
In school news, Principal Schultz provided the Board with the latest happenings in both the Elementary and Jr High/High School sections noting that the December 15 Pre-K through 3rd grade Christmas Program was very well attended. On January 10 students from grades 1-3 and 5-8 will participate in the spelling bee.
Personnel Recommendations presented by Mr. Johnson included the approval of contracts for Zach Juillard as Jr. High Track and High School Cheer Assistant Abbie Meyer.
It was also approved that Abby Donovan shall serve as Event Worker and Pat Leupp as Substitute Custodian for the 2023-2024 school year.
Upon recommendation by Johnson, the School District Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year and the Attendance Plan for Students 18 years or older, effective January 1, 2024, was also accepted by the Board.
Johnson also provided an update on the Ag Tech and Panther K-6 Tech Building Expansions noting that prints will be finalized in January.
The Board set its organizational meeting for Monday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. with Jason Leupp to preside as President Pro-Tem for purposes of that meeting. The Board’s regular January meeting will be held immediately thereafter.