TOP 25 BIBLE QUIZZERS Front Row Mathias Neilson and Elijah Grunden quizzed out in every one of their 26 matches of the 2024 season and scored 910 points the next three were just one question shy with 895 points Malaki Neilson Grace Sheldon and John Hosteter Second row Bekley Stamm 860 points Preston Nofziger 860 Landon Ringenberg 850 Drew Ringenberg 830 Elijah Sheldon 825 Zander Stamm 825 and Hope Sheldon 820 Third Row Jeremiah Gibson 710 Gage Nofziger 710 Bo King 735 Cooper Roth 740 Mackenzie Yenser 760 Faith Sheldon 780 Mason Stuckey 785 Back row Eve Crossgrove 625 Aaron Miller 650 Max Grunden 650 Levi Short 660 Mollie Roth 685 and Brianna Norr 685 Ten local teams will join 12 teams from Champaign Logan and Wayne counties of Ohio along with 45 teams from Lancaster area PA for a tournament held at West Liberty High School on March 22 24