The special meeting of the West Unity Village Council was brought to order by Mayor Don Leu at 5:30 P.M. The following Council Members were present: Kevin Gray, Steve Marvin, Nathan Massie, Shawn Blaisdell, Terri LeBowsky, and David Short. The following Officers Were Present: Chief Jones, Sarah Higdon-Fiscal Officer.
The meeting started with Chief Jones going over the changes that were made regarding switching his officers from salary to hourly.
Chief Jones explained that changing the officers to hourly will help with retention and keeping the officers that they have. Currently, they get paid holiday pay once a year for a total of 42 hours.
Switching to hourly, the officers who are working the holiday would get time and a half. Steve Marvin asked about the officers who are not working and if they would be getting holiday pay as well.
It was discussed that they all should get some sort of holiday pay. After looking into paying them all holiday pay, it was decided that they would just pay the officer working on the holiday and the chief would try dividing the holidays between the officers.
The following resolutions were then approved:
Terri LeBowsky motioned to waive the three readings for Resolution 2-2024-3, a resolution establishing the rates within the specified ranges of pay of certain officer and employees of the Village of West Unity, Ohio, for the calendar year 2024 and declaring it an emergency.
LeBowsky motioned to accept Resolution 2-2024-3, a resolution establishing the rates within the specified ranges of pay of certain officers and employees of the Village of West Unity, Ohio, for the calendar year 2024 and declaring it an emergency.
Marvin motioned to waive the three readings for Resolution 2-2024-2, a resolution adopting the Village of West Unity Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual as amended February 2024 and declaring such an emergency.
David Short motioned to accept Resolution 2-2024-2, a resolution adopting the Village of West Unity Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual as amended February 2024 and declaring such an emergency. Mayor Leu then scheduled a Park committee meeting for Thursday March 14th at 6:45 p.m.
The next regular council meeting is Thursday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.