(PRESS RELEASE) Wauseon, OH – After a few cold and rainy months, the recent warm weather in Fulton County can mean residents will soon see an increase in mosquito activity. Worldwide, mosquitoes can spread many types of viruses and parasites that can cause diseases like Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile, Zika and malaria.
Mosquitoes in Ohio are known to carry the West Nile, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, LaCrosse and St. Louis Encephalitis Viruses.
The best way to prevent mosquito-borne disease is to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquito control is a shared responsibility in a community.
Residents must take an active role in reducing the threat of mosquitoes and mosquito-transmitted diseases in their neighborhoods by eliminating standing water in clogged rain gutters, discarded tires, buckets or anything else that may hold water for over a week at a time.
Residents should wear long sleeves and pants and an EPA-recommended insect repellent when outdoors where mosquitoes may be present.
Residents should also ensure that swimming pools, spas and ponds are properly maintained to prevent stagnant water-the breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Efforts should be made to stop mosquitoes from coming indoors by installing or repairing screens on windows and doors.
For additional information on mosquito control, please visit the Fulton County Health Department website at www.fultoncountyhealthdept.com or the Ohio Department of Health website https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/zoonotic-disease-program/diseases/mosquito-borne-diseases .