The Edgerton Board of Education met on March 18, 2024, with the following actions made. Under the discretion of the board, the resignation of Ben Wilhelm as 7-12 principal was accepted, as was his position as the new district superintendent, with both decisions being effective August 1, 2024.
Under the discretion of the treasurer, the board approved the financial reports, bills, appropriations, and estimated resource modifications for the month of February, and approved the initial estimates for the 2024-2025 NWOESC.
Under the discretion of the superintendent, the Board approved the FFA May 2nd through 3rd trip to Columbus to attend the State FFA Convention, the acceptance of several donations to the FFA, the approval of the purchase of a 72-passenger bus for the 2024-2024 school year, all personnel and contractual recommendations as presented.
They will meet again on April 15, 2024 at 6 p.m.