Four County Career Center’s Student Ambassadors are seniors chosen each year based on their teacher’s recommendations and leadership abilities.
They represent the school in a variety of capacities including hosting future students and parents as well as area elected officials and members of the community to the Career Center.
The 2022-2023 Student Ambassadors are (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Kyra Kreiner (Archbold) Specialized Mechatronics & Robotics Technology; Reyleah Muncy (Defiance) Visual Art & Design; Kaci Alspaugh (Bryan) Fire & Rescue; Abbigale Sanchez (Fairview) Early Childhood Education; Elli Fleischman (Defiance) Veterinarian Assistant; Madison Heuer (Napoleon) Exercise Science & Sports Medicine.
(BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Caleb Spiller (Tinora) Welding Fabrication; Olivia Shull (Hicksville) Electrical; Kate Krueger (Archbold) Culinary Arts Management; Miya Weber (Napoleon) Health Careers; Lynae Poling (Hicksville) Cosmetology; Riley Froelich (Fairview) Health Careers; Ashton Rose (Defiance) Diesel Mechanics; Masen Switzer (Napoleon) Fire & Rescue; and Garrett Gillen (Evergreen) Mechanical Systems & Piping. Absent from the photo are Addison Conners (Delta) Veterinarian Assistant; Lyndsi Lorenzen (Ayersville) Accounting & Business Management; Kinsley Martin (North Central) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics; and Dylan Winger (Fairview) Computer Programming & Game Design.