WATER RATES APPROVED … Water board members are, left, Doug Crawford, right front, Mary Gniewkwski and right back, Allen Stafford. (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Williams County Water Resource Board meeting of December 12 began with the call to order.
The three board members, Mary Gniewkowski, Doug Crawford and Allen Stafford, were in attendance.
First, the board approved the meeting minutes from the November 14 meeting.
In the finance report, the checking account total was $35,809.20 and the savings account was $26,041.92. The 2022 income total was $60,925.92.
Next, with the water plant handling only businesses, the board approved of both the letter that will be going out to businesses and the water rates for 2023.
The one inch tap will be $332 per month, the two inch tap will be $945 per month and the three inch tap rate will be $1,170 per month.
The board then approved the contract with the Village of Edon. The Village of Edon maintains the water plant.
Gniewkowski sent to the OWDA the expenses and income forecast. The OWDA said that they will give feedback on what they plan to do, sometime this month.
In new business, the water plant’s license for 2023 has been received and posted in the plant.
It is reported that a trailer repair shop is in the old truck wash and a restaurant is being planned for the old Burger King building.
The restaurant is still working on the contract and will be paying the water bill.
Next, Pilot has requested that the mid-toll be widened an extra 16 feet.
While the water line is worked on, Love’s will reportedly be out of water for approximately two hours.
The township road will have to accept the extension, but that is not expected to be a problem. The moving of the hydrant water valve is to be determined.
Also, the plant grass needs to be mowed. The water plant will have to have a contract for that and is working on getting quotes for that.
Next, the board approved the 2023 budget. The projection is for revenues at $237,536 and expenses at $218,000, leaving a balance of $19,000.
A motion was then made and approved for heat tapes on the tower and upgrading the electrical system in the tower.
The board then voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dan can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com